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My Journey Starts...

After 5 years of being completely shut down spiritually for fear of feeling anything after losing everything I had, my spiritual journey began with me opening to the movement already in progress. It was easy for me to know where I belonged...I've always been good. So I became without knowing it, part of the Collective. The opposing side is called The Gathering and is a direct result of people being so far removed from anything spiritual that a rift happened so that dark energy could slip easily in and out around us.

People have forgotten about God. Not the one that man is so used to preaching about but God, our creator, the One who created life and naturally lived inside our hearts as a people and as individuals.

But I did not forget God. V did not either. She has been working hard to make up for that five years of me closing my eyes to the spiritual world. Almost daily I've received information. Almost weekly, spiritual work has been assigned to me to be done. My tribal sisters and I have been busy little bees, hiving out our gifts like honey.

Each trial has been a bit more difficult but has armed us with more confidence in what we are doing and our gifts. I'm writing the book that has been pushing to get out of me...not an erotic romance like I've written before, but something more personal, spiritual, and purposeful. I've taken the plunge and started this website, announcing to the world who and what I am. I use the word witch because I don't know the word I'm supposed to use yet.

I am getting in touch with the spirit of the Earth, becoming more aware of the spirits of individuals around me, reconnecting with friends and family that I'd pushed away from. I know I'm on the right path now. I know that I'm doing God's work...His real work. I am becoming better at calling to the spirits of the Earth as I need them, and of understanding why they exist.

Their is a calling to the Collective, and I heard Him speak my name...deep down inside of me. I feel Him reaching out to others, calling them back into the fold.

I start my journey right smack dab in the middle of a spiritual revolution.

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