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Spiritual Preparation

Over the past nine months to a year, my spirit companion and guide,Vadonia (V), has been preparing me. For what I didn't know. Some clarity was had a few months back when one of my Tribal sisters and I were researching the blood moon and came across this 2019 Astrology Forecast-The Silent Revolution: Healing Our Collective Karma article at an excellent website called Wake Up World. The article explained a lot of what we had been experiencing. Since then, more clarity has been trickling to us from visitors from the other side and through more experiences. The one thing that has been constant is Vadonia's urgency.

Five years ago, my life fell apart. Long story short, I lost my company, the man I loved, my home, everything was stolen from me, and I fell victim to alcohol and drugs. It was such a damaging blow that I closed my inner eye and refused to feel anything for four years. The result of that was the spiritual world refusing to be ignored and forcing what I called daily dejavu 24-7. I thought I was going crazy. I now realized I was receiving visions of what was to come and everything in those visions have come to pass except for the very last of them.

Once I read the article however, things started to make sense to me and I'm happy to report that now, I'm no longer fearful for my sanity and wide open to the spirit world and what's going on.

V has been pushing me hard to get this site up and running, to write the book I'm working on, to use my creative talents in making spiritual tools for my Tribe and others in the world. Today, her urgency has finally begun to make sense to me.

I've received information over the past weeks and just today that we are in the beginning stages of a spiritual warfare. People as a whole have gotten so far away from being spiritual beings that we've created a rift in our plane of existence and as a result allowing darkness to pass in and out freely - so freely that it feels commonplace giving it power to harden into a wedge between us and God. Not the God that man preaches to us about, but the great Creator that used to live naturally inside of each of us, our natural pull to be good and love ourselves, one another, and the world He gave us.

Once my Tribal sister and I realized this truth, the darkness, or Gathering, has been testing us to, as another of my Tribal sister's put it, "see what we're made of." But we are a strong little tribe and when push has come to shove, we've come together in one another's times of need and overcome whatever the Gathering has thrown at us.

V is adamant about this website being public however, so that our tribe can meet with others and become part of the Collective, God's Nation of tribes. We all have roles in the Collective. Some are givers of knowledge, some are God's own warriors. Spirits of the Earth, Ancestors, and the living who embrace goodness rather than evil, all unite to battle in different ways the Gathering. The more battles we fight, the stronger we all become.

And I've noticed the battles within my tribe are becoming more frequent but we too are becoming more aware, confident, and stronger. I blog today this information with hopes that individuals who may feel alone with their struggles or members of other tribes will know they are not alone and find a place at Wild Spirit Lotus to commune.

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